
Understanding Paths to Anorexia Nervosa Recovery: A Focus Group Study Exploring Experiences of Recovery from Anorexia Nervosa

Understanding Paths to Anorexia Nervosa Recovery: A Focus Group Study Exploring Experiences of Recovery from Anorexia Nervosa

Participant Information Sheet

Name of Researcher: Ana Julia Ferreira
Contact details of Researcher: ajrf22@bath.ac.uk
Name of Supervisor: Manuela Martinez-Barona Soyer        
Contact details of Supervisor: mmmbs20@bath.ac.uk

This information sheet forms part of the process of informed consent. It should tell you what the research is about and what taking part will involve. Please read this information sheet carefully and ask one of the researchers named above if you have any questions.

1.    What is the purpose of the project? 
Anorexia Nervosa (AN) has been associated with significantly lower quality of life and has been reported to the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Previous research has investigated different factors that may predict specific outcomes (i.e. recovery versus relapse) for AN following treatment. However, few of these have consulted clinicians. The present study will aim to gather information about predictors of outcome clinicians who specialize in AN believe to be most relevant during recovery and/or relapse. This will inform further research into understanding recovery and developing suitable intervention tools.

We are also conducting a similar study with people who have reached recovery from AN, if you would like to find out more click here.
Additionally, we are conducting another study with loved ones of people who have reached recovery from AN, if you would like to find out more click here.

2.    Why have I been invited to take part?
You can take part if you:
•    Are a qualified mental health professional (clinical psychologist, support worker, psychiatric nurse, etc) who specialises in eating disorders;
•    Live and practice in the United Kingdom;
•    Have worked with at least one person with a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa.

After signing up, you will be invited to a five-minute video call on Microsoft Teams with one of the researchers prior to being scheduled into one of the focus groups. This is to enable you to familiarize yourself with the research team and for us to ensure that you are eligible to participate.

3.    Do I have to take part? 
It is completely up to you to decide if you would like to take part or not. Before you decide, you should read the information in this sheet carefully and ask any questions you may have. If you agree to take part, you will then be asked to sign a consent form. However, if at any time you decide you no longer wish to take part in this project, you are free to withdraw your participation without giving a reason.

4.    What would taking part involve?
You would participate in a focus group with up to four other clinicians who specialise in eating disorders. You would be asked to share your thoughts about different things that may be at play during recovery from AN. All participants will be required to treat each other with respect and kindness during the study, which includes not disclosing any information that is shared during the discussions to others. You will not be required to speak on any topics that may make you uncomfortable, and will be allowed to leave at any point, without any explanation, should you choose to do so. Focus groups that occur in person will be recorded with audio only to facilitate transcription. Those take place online will be video and audio recorded using Microsoft Teams. Anyone who does not wish to be video recorded will be free to switch off their camera and participate with audio only, with no consequences for doing so. Transcripts will be anonymized, and only the anonymous version will be kept.

The experimenter will aim to organize the focus groups online or close to clinical practices where the participants work, so you will not be required to travel far to take part in this study. All participants will be compensated with a £20 gift card for taking part. This will be paid even if you choose leave the focus groups early.

After taking part in the focus group, you will be asked to spread the word about this study to anyone you think may also be interested in taking part. You are under no obligation to do so, and your recruitment of others will bear no consequence to your own participation in this study. You will not be aware if anyone you contact chooses to participate.

5.    What are the exclusion criteria? (or - are there reasons why I should not take part?)
Only clinicians who are registered and work in the UK are allowed to take part. You also must have experience with at least one patient with a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa.

6.    What are the possible benefits of taking part?
There are no direct benefits for taking part, but your participation will be crucial in enabling a deeper understanding of AN recovery and relapse. This will ultimately inform the design of a novel intervention that may help prevent relapse into AN following treatment.

7.    What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?
We do not expect you to feel any discomfort or embarrassment if you take part in the project. However, if you do feel uncomfortable or appear upset at any time, the researcher can stop the discussions and may direct you to an appropriate support service.

8.    Who will have access to the information that I provide?
Only the research team (and University governance staff where appropriate) will have access to information that you provide, and this information will be treated as confidential. All recordings will be stored anonymously, without any personal information aside from demographics attached.

9.    What will happen to the data collected and results of the project?
We will treat all information that you provide as confidential and store it securely at the University of Bath in a locked room or on a password-protected file on the University’s secure server (X Drive). Storage of data will be done in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. Recorded data will be stored securely and confidentially in the University archives for a minimum of 10 years. Your name or any other identifying information will not be disclosed in any presentation or publication of the research.

After the project has finished, we can provide you with a summary of the project results if you would like. This summary will not include any identifiable information and will only show the overall findings of the project.

11. Who has reviewed the project?
This project has been given a favourable ethics opinion by the University of Bath, Social Science Research Ethics Committee [reference: 3232-3746].

12. How can I withdraw from the project?
If you wish to withdraw your participation before completing all parts of the project, you can tell one of the researchers in person, or by email or telephone. You can withdraw from the project at any time without needing to give a reason and without any penalty. 

If for any reason you wish to withdraw your data, please contact one of the researchers within two weeks of your participation. After this date it will not be possible to withdraw your data as some results may have been analysed or anonymised. Your individual results will not be identifiable in any presentation or publication.

13.    University of Bath privacy notice
The University of Bath privacy notice can be found here: https://www.bath.ac.uk/corporate-information/university-of-bath-privacy-notice-for-research-participants/.

14. What happens if there is a problem?
If you have a concern about any aspect of the project, you should ask to speak to the researchers who will do their best to answer any questions. If they are unable to resolve your concern or you wish to make a complaint regarding the project, please contact the Research Governance and Compliance Team at research-ethics@bath.ac.uk. 

15. Who should I contact for more information? 
Thank you for your interest in this project. Please do not hesitate to contact the researchers Ana Julia Ferreira and Manuela Martinez-Barona Soyer if you would like more information.    

Your participation is greatly appreciated. If you are happy to continue, please press the start button.