Randomised-Controlled Trial (RCT) Music Training Research with Autistic Individuals
Participant Information Sheet
Name of Researcher: Kristina Eva Manda
Contact Details of Researcher: kem57@bath.ac.uk
Names of Supervisors: Dr Karin Petrini, Dr Chris Ashwin
Contact Details of Supervisors: kp504@bath.ac.uk, ca272@bath.ac.uk
Do I have to take part?
Your participation is entirely voluntary. You may skip any questions you do not feel comfortable answering or withdraw at any time without giving a reason. Not participating won't disadvantage you in any way. Before you decide whether you want to take part, please read the following information carefully and ask me if you need more details.
What is the purpose of this study?
This study is part of my PhD research at the University of Bath. Based on previous research with neurotypical individuals, we aim to see if a 12-week music training program can benefit sensory and emotional processing and wellbeing in autistic individuals compared to a control autistic sample.
What will the study involve?
The study is expected to take approximately 4 months (up to 14 hours total). It includes:
- A 15-minute initial survey with demographic questions, two questionnaires measuring social and emotional behaviours, and random allocation into two groups
- Weekly in-person meetings for 12 weeks (either free 1-on-1 piano lessons or a non-musical activity).
- A 30-minute follow-up meeting 1 month later with a voluntary feedback interview if you are randomly assigned to the piano group
- 15-minute wellbeing surveys during weeks 1, 6, 12, and the follow-up, plus cognitive tasks, involving sensory perception and emotion recognition, which involve hearing sounds and making judgments about them.
If assigned to piano lessons, all equipment will be provided. The lessons will entail practicing finger exercises for developing technique and learning how to play beginner piano songs.
Non-musical activity participants can bring items like a book, but cannot watch videos or media. Sessions can be at the University of Bath or another suitable quiet location.
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
You’ll help us gain a deeper understanding about the benefits of music training for the autistic community that may help develop effective music treatments. Based on your allocation, you’ll receive either:
- 12 free beginner piano lessons and a £10 Amazon voucher
- A £50 Amazon voucher after doing 12 weeks of a non-musical activity of your choice
What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?
There are no foreseeable risks or disadvantages associated with this study. If you feel uncomfortable, we can stop, take a break, or you can withdraw at any time. Support services are available if needed.
Who can take part?
You can take part if you:
- Have an autism diagnosis (including self-diagnosed)
- Have NEVER played on any music instrument before (besides the compulsory lessons at school)
- Have NO diagnosis of dyspraxia or a similar disorder affecting your co-ordination. We are including this criteria as piano playing requires some finer motor movements
- Live and are a resident within a 30-minute train journey from Bath and Bristol
- Are 16 years of age or above
- Are fluent in English
- Have normal or corrected to normal vision and hearing
What will happen to your data?
All data will be collected and stored in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and the University of Bath's Research Data Policy (found here: https://www.bath.ac.uk/legal-information/research-data-policy). Your data will be confidential and securely stored on the University of Bath’s X:Drive system. You can request your data’s removal at any time until it is anonymised 2 weeks after the follow-up meeting.
Who has reviewed the present study?
This study was designed with input from the autistic community and has ethical approval from the University of Bath's Social Science Research Ethics Committee (reference: 2871-6458).
Your participation is greatly appreciated. If you are happy to continue, please press the Next button below.