Emotion and self-perception from a video reaction
Researcher: Chanya Sirithanachai []
Supervisor: Dr Gosia Goclowska []
University of Bath’ Ethics Faculty:
You are invited to take part in my research study as part of my Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Bath. Please take time to read the following information carefully and contact the researcher if there are any further queries.
1. Am I eligible for the study?
You are eligible to take part if you are:
1) at the age of 18 or above
2) having normal-to-corrected vision
3) normal hearing
4) able to understand and complete the survey which is in English language.
2. Do I have to take part?
Participation is completely voluntary. Before you decide, you should read the information in this sheet carefully and ask any questions you may have. If you agree to take part, you will then be asked to tick the boxes in the consent page, indicating your understanding of the processes, to consent to the study.
3. What would taking part involve?
You will be shown a short video. Then, you will be asked to answer some questions about your thoughts and feelings, particularly about your self-perception, from the video.
Once you have completed the survey, you have the choice of entering for a prize draw (£20 each, 5 prizes). This will require you to fill in your email address. However, the process will be done in a separate questionnaire that is linked to the questionnaire where participants provided their responses. This way the main datafile will not contain any personal information. As for participants who sign up through University of Bath’ Research Participation Scheme study credits will be awarded.
This study should not take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.
4. What will happen to the data collected and results of the project?
During data analysis, your fully anonymized data will be in a secure folder on the X Drive, and the email data in a separate secure folder on the University of Bath’ X Drive. After the prize draw, participants’ email addresses will be deleted from the X drive.
Once this project is completed, your data will be stored on the X drive in the long-term, so that the University can access them in the future (if needed).
5. Who has reviewed the study?
This project has been given a favourable ethics opinion by the University of Bath, [reference: 1785-2686].
6. How can I withdraw from the study?
If at any time you decide you no longer wish to take part in this project, you are free to withdraw during survey by closing your browser. However, the data cannot be withdrawn once you have submitted the questionnaire as they are anonymous.
7. Who should I contact for more information?
Thank you for your interest in this project. Please do not hesitate to contact the researchers Chanya Sirithanachai and Dr Gosia Goclowska, if you would like more information.